Monday, March 8, 2010

New laptop cart

I am in the process of adding a 25 laptop mobile cart to our inventory. This cart will be available for check out in for in classroom use. We also need to start encouraging our Juniors and Sophomores to sign up for dual credit courses this summer. The open enrollment date is today.

'To be a teacher you must be a prophet - because you are trying to prepare people for a world thirty to fifty years into the future.' -- Gordon Brown MIT

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

David Warlick

Les, Janie, and I attended a presentation by David Warlick Feb 22 at the Lubbock Christian University campus. For myself, I always am interested in what Mr. Warlick has to say about the direction that technology and school is taking. If you are not familiar with Mr Warlick you might go to this website has the handouts from all of his lectures, among other information about web 2.0 and becoming a "Master Learner".

Promethean Board

To all of you with Promethean iwbs, and those who will get one soon:

Maybe we should get together sometime to share our experiences? I am still learning a lot about how this fantastic tool can benefit my students. I want to know more about using Web 2.0 interactive tools, and also the possibility of using a graphics tablet.

The graphics tablet would allow a teacher to wander the classroom more, increasing student
participation. A student could be at the iwb, but another student could manipulate the board from their seat. They could then pass the tablet to others. This would facilitate more interaction among students. In my class we pass a cordless mouse this way. Thoughts?
This is a link with info.